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With a large percentage of credit unions in Louisiana designated as small credit unions, LCUL assists in meeting their needs and help them address their unique challenges and opportunities. Below are resources that allow small credit unions to strengthen operations and provide quality service to their members. 

Discounted Costs on LCUL Programs

Affiliated credit unions with $10 million in assets and under (based on assets as of year-end) qualify for a discounted registration fee for in-state programs offered by LCUL. Use the code FOUNDATION50 when registering. Questions? Contact LCUL's Education Department for more information.

*offer is limited to one free registration per credit union for LCUL’s Annual Meeting & Convention

Strategic Engagement

LCUL is your partner to achieve your credit union's continued success. We offer a varitety of strategic resources, including, training for volunteers & staff; financial analysis; strategic planning; and a wide variety of compliance resources. Please contact us for more information: Susie Fair or Danielle Thibodeaux.

Small Business Employee Training Program (SBET)

The Small Business Employee Training Program (SBET) is designed to assist in the skill development of existing employees through individual, standardized (off-the shelf) training. Employers are reimbursed for tuition and required textbooks/manuals once the training has been completed and proper documentation has been submitted to the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC). Training costs cannot exceed $3,000 per trainee per state fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). Funding is provided through the Incumbent Worker Training Account. Should you need help enrolling in the progam, your Regional Service Representaive will be able to assit you.

Click here for more information on the SBET Program.  

NCUA Office of Small Credit Union Initiative (OSCUI) Resources 


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